PYP4 students from IES Hout Bay International School researched past events and influential people, their impact on our lives and learned how to understand their reasoning and actions.
Using their Mathematics skills, they differentiated between 2D and 3D shapes, figuring out their properties and learning how to create net patterns. They put it all together and used cubes, pyramids and cylinders to develop a town during the Industrial Revolution. Students enjoyed creating unique designs, buildings with smoke stacks and dirtying themselves and the classroom in the process. The end result dioramas were extraordinary and are representative of the conditions and environment during the late 1700s to mid-1800s in Great Britain.
Students learned how so many young children (in the past, and even today) were made to work in the mines and factories, in very challenging and dirty conditions and how lucky they are to have the UN Charter of Children’s Rights to protect them in present times. After discussing our rights, students did some group work to create awareness posters – what are the rights and responsibilities of the children, adults and governments in the past vs today?
Jane Salvage & Bianca Budricks – PYP4, IES Hout Bay International, SA