Students from the PYP3 class at Hout Bay International School went on an exploration adventure. They learned all about where they are in the world and how vast and interesting our planet really is. They began their journey learning all about navigational tools, specifically focusing on compasses, cardinal points, lines of latitude and longitude and maps.
The students worked hard in groups to design and build a sturdy vessel to help them on their "voyage" which they would be going on around the school later in the week. They were tasked with making sure that they had certain features on their vessel and were required to use only recyclable materials. They were then given the freedom to use their creativity and ingenuity to ensure that their vessel would survive the voyage by building it in any way they liked.
Teachers were amazed at how the students incorporated their prior knowledge of ships to develop interesting features such as weighted anchors, steering wheels, cannons, lifeboats, pulleys, treasure chests and supplies.
Lisa Fillmore & Dani Schultz – Hout Bay International School